Friday Performance Pick – 432


Lyadov, Kikimora In last week’s post on Glazunov, we briefly mentioned Anatoly Lyadov [Liadov] (1855-1914) as another member of the Belyayev circle. Lyadov also studied composition with Rimsky-Korsakov, but he was expelled from the conservatory for failure to attend class. He was later readmitted and … Read more

The Beauty and Tradition of the Russian Village

Smithsonian Journeys: Waterways of Russia Resources for Further Study I. Principal Terms: 1. Русский Дух – Russkii dukh – Russian Spirit/Soul  2. The word “rod” and some significant words that result: род rod kind/type родить rodit’ to give birth (to) родина rodina native land народ narod the … Read more

Russian Literary Tradition

Smithsonian Journeys: Waterways of Russia Resources for Further Study The Russian literary tradition is rich in folk art and fairy tales. 1.  Лубок  Lubok Lubok or Lubki (plural) arose in folk art primarily in the early 18th century as savvy and often cutting-edge commentaries on politics … Read more