The Friday Performance Picks

and Other Listening Resources

Discover a world of enduring music through our weekly series of Friday Performance Picks. Begun in 2015, there are now hundreds of video performances, all free to browse and enjoy (no membership required). Each includes a short commentary.

You can search the library for titles or composers. 

A Journey Through Great Music

music-history-listeningWe have taken 50 Friday Performance Picks and organized them into a course. The focus is on listening within categories and having just a few important facts at your fingertips.

And you will enjoy the journey as you proceed at your own pace. No tests, no pressure, just great listening experiences.

Available in the Circle of Scholars.

A Child's Treasure of Music

Children respond to music at the earliest stages of their development. They enjoy listening. But music is not just a source of entertainment for children. It provides them with essential skills and constitutes an important part of their earliest development.

Available in the Circle of Scholars.

Music for Boys

music-for-boysA collection of video performances with heroic themes, bold orchestrations, and manly melodies. Yes, you will find a healthy dose of crash/bang, but the music is varied, nuanced, and virtuous.

Available without membership

Composer of the Month

Take an in-depth look at the music of one significant composer. It’s not just fluffy stories, but a serious dive into the music and the times.


Portions of this series are available without membership. Learn more.

Courses from Professor Carol