New Classical Conference Online

We’re back for Spring!

The Classical Consortium is launching another exciting online conference April 15-17. In addition to me, speakers include Martin Cothran (Memoria Press), Andrew Pudewa (IEW), Christopher Perrin (Classical Academic Press), and Andrew Kern (Circe Institute).

The full schedule and registration information are here.

The Classical Consortium is a group of friends who are committed to classical education and enjoy having conversations on seeking Truth, Goodness, and Beauty while studying the greatest spiritual and artistic treasures of Western culture.

Registration is free. If you cannot attend any of the sessions live, all will be available in recorded form after the conference.


1 thought on “New Classical Conference Online”

  1. I’m so glad you are doing this again! It was marvelous last year! There seemed to be more time for interaction with the speakers than at a face-to-face convention. It was a real encouragement!

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