Teaching in Place

teachin-in-placeCarol will be speaking Saturday at the online conference of the Circe Institute. The conference theme is “Teaching in Place: Education Like Your Child Belongs.” The conference runs from Friday afternoon through Saturday evening, April 26-27.

Circe explains the topic this way:

What if education didn’t teach our children to abandon the community they grew up in, but taught them to bring their education, their skills, their hopes, and their dreams to their community? What if education taught our children to love the sky they are under? The land they are standing on? The neighbors they grew up with? What if, moreover, education taught our children that they “belong,” that they have dignity and value simply because they are good neighbors who love and abide wherever they are, all the while acknowledging that it’s okay for them to be called to something else, to somewhere else?

Circe has a star-studded lineup of speakers drawn from the leaders of the Classical Education movement: Christopher Perrin, Martin Cothran, Andrew Pudewa, Matthew Bianco, Andrea Lipinski, and many more.

You can find more information and register at this link. There is no set registration fee. Rather it’s “name your own price.” Circe asks for a donation of whatever size you can make, but encourages you to come for free if you cannot make a donation. Don’t worry if you can’t attend the live sessions. All registrants will receive the conference video recordings free.

Speaking of teaching in place, Carol’s talk “Enthusiasm, Passion, and the Arts” will be delivered at 3:30 p.m. Saturday from Zagreb where she is leading another Smithsonian tour through Croatia and Slovenia. She hopes you can attend.

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