Friday Performance Pick – 459

Alfvén, Aftonen

We try to cover the widest possible repertoire here, something will necessarily take a lot of time, and not focus too much on any one composer, genre, or performer. That said, we have turned frequently to Voces8 in this series. I’m not sure how many times, but they always seem to offer something that fits our goals and their performances are just stunning.

alfvenSwedish composer Hugo Alfvén (1872-1960) composed numerous works for orchestra in a late Romantic style, including tone poems and five symphonies. Although less well known than some other Scandinavian composers, his music was well regarded in Sweden during his lifetime and he was considered its leading orchestral composer. He was an accomplished violinist and active throughout his career as a conductor. He also had a reputation as a skilled watercolorist and at a young age considered making his career in art instead of music.

He composed many songs and choral works in a folk idiom. Aftonen was composed in 1942 on a text by Swedish poet Herman Sätherberg (1812-1897). Here is a translation of the text:

The forest stands silent, the sky is clear.
Listen to how the enchanting shepherd’s horn lulls.
The evening sun’s embers quietly sink down into the calm, clear wave.
Sometimes, over the green hills,
echoes around the region roam…

Depending on your skills in reading Swedish, you can learn more from the Hugo Alfvén Society.