Two New Webinars

spirituals-dateHymn Workshop: Spirituals
Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 8 pm EST

Let’s turn in the month of February to one of the most emotional and powerful forms of singing praise: the American Spiritual. This seemingly simple form of musical prayer and worship has had enormous influence, not just within music but in  broader American cultural history. We’ll look at the origins of the Spiritual, see how it took root and spread across our land, and consider the influence it had and still has, both in American music and beyond. This is a continuation of our Hymn Workshop series.

cyrillic-dateLearning Cyrillic
Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 8 pm EST

Especially with the topics filling the news right now, this might be the right time for you to join Professor Carol for her famous “Cyrillic Workshop” (Cyrillic Boot Camp). Within minutes, she will have you understanding the basics of the Russian alphabet and deciphering its letters. The fascinating history of this alphabet and the Russian language could surprise you. You may also be surprised at how simple it is to transliterate, that is, go from Cyrillic to our own Latin alphabet and actually see what certain words are saying.

This single workshop is appropriate for adults and children (as long as the child is secure with the Latin alphabet, the ABCs). And is quite fun!

The schedule of upcoming webinars can always be found on the Webinars Page along with many recordings of past webinars.