Scheduled Webinars

What’s So Great About Beethoven?

Shortly after his death in 1827, Beethoven’s influence cast a giant shadow over the 19th century. He became more famous than any previous composer, and his legacy held later composers to an almost impossible standard. But why?

Professor Carol explains it all in this webinar:

Tuesday, September 1 at 8 p.m. EDT

Monument to Beethoven in Vienna
Photo: Yair-haklai (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Getting To Know Wagner’s Das Rheingold

“A Night at the Opera” takes up the ground-breaking dramatic genius of Richard Wagner. Das Rheingold is the first opera in his 4-part Ring Cycle, and in and of itself casts great light on Wagner’s quest to revolutionize musical drama.

Tuesday, September 8 at 8 p.m. EDT

Coming Soon!

We anticipate a new series of webinars with a special colleague beloved by many of you. We expect him to emerge through that door in September.

You won’t want to miss this! Details to follow shortly.
