A Vacation of Sorts

It’s been quite a week. How could so much be going on if I am not even out of my own back yard?

vacationWell, by Zoom, it can! The week’s schedule has included a talk on the Rhine and its role in cultural history for Smithsonian Journeys, a talk for the National Catholic Conference on how the Arts empower the teaching of our children, and today and tomorrow a big dive into the big, big 2020 conference of the Association of Classical Christian Schools, including two talks and a panel of our Classical Consortium, with Messers Pudewa, Cothran, Kern, and Perrin.

Registration for that conference, Repairing the Ruins, has been opened up to the public, for free, and a wonderful agenda awaits. Some of that conference will be created not just by Zoom, but through simulcasts in various locations, like Nashville, Durham, and Moscow, Idaho.

Thus, as a second point, I have declared my weekly blog to be on vacation—well, not exactly vacation. It’s more like a blog-in-waiting, because what I intended to write is not going to be finished before we leave for Durham in the early morning.

Finally, I want to thank all of you who have written, both in comments, and in private emails, regarding my posts of the past two weeks. I’ve appreciated the exchange of ideas and the heartfelt statements and observations.

I will see you next week.