Getting to Know Rossini’s Cenerentola

Join me on Friday, April 24, at 8:30 p.m. EDT for a one-hour live, online session about

Gioachino Rossini’s La Cenerentola.

The session will prepare you for the free performance Sunday evening April 26 of Rossini’s delightful “Cinderella” opera to be streamed by The Metropolitan Opera. (The Met’s broadcast of Cenerentola will be available at any time from 7:30 p.m. EDT Sunday to 6:30 p.m. Monday.)

Rossini’s version of the classic Cinderella tale—without the pumpkin and mice—presents a warmer, deeper story of human fortitude and forgiveness. See how he wove a perfect blend of comedy and drama to become the all-time master of comic opera! In fact, Rossini’s innovations would influence comedies by Gilbert and Sullivan, Broadway shows, and even TV and movies.

From this session, you’ll get keys to this production of Cenerentola with its magnificent cast and sparkling scenes. You’ll also gain a broader understanding of opera in general, as well as recommendations for other comic operas to explore.

And kids, remember that Rossini is the guy who wrote that fun, famous theme for “The Lone Ranger”—it’s actually the opening to his serious drama William Tell.

It’s all FREE, but you must register for the session.