Early Sacred Music in the Box

early-sacred-musicInterspersed with celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday at our granddaughter’s pre-school and watching our baby grandson lift his head during tummy time, we got it done: our hard-copy version of Early Sacred Music is ready to go. Or it will be next week when we get to our first conference of the season (Great Homeschool Convention, Greenville, South Carolina, March 10-12).   

Now I know why they call it “hard-copy”—it’s hard to go from an on-line, interactive, streaming course back to DVDs, text, and paper-assignments/quizzes. Just joking of course. But it’s certainly been a big task for Hank, my husband, who does all these mysterious formatting and compressing and reconfiguring things. Not only do I not have the technological savvy, but I’d absolutely never have the patience.

But what I did have was the good sense to listen to you, our students, families, customers. And, yes, the demand for hard-copy versions of our on-line Circle of Scholars courses has been growing. Particularly we’ve seen interest in a version of Early Sacred Music. In hard-copy, the course will be able to be a lot of new places and reach new audiences.

Actually, I’ve always been a fan of hard-copy materials over on-line. That preference was strengthened when we got our ranch in North Central Texas and started struggling with the limits of rural internet. Believe me, I can get better internet on a road cutting through the Carpathian Mountains south of Krakow than I can in some parts of Montague County, Texas!

Be that as it may, the fact is, many folks want hard-copy, not only due to problems streaming over the internet, but for the ability to put the course on the shelf, and also because they don’t want to be confined to a computer screen. I’m with you on that one too.

So we’ve got it here for you now. Let us know what you think. And we hope that you will spread the news.