Broken Links

detectiveAs we expand our material at Professor Carol, we have more links. Hundreds, thousands—the links grow like sticker burrs in a pasture. These are not substitutes for our own learning materials, but they provide valuable resources that allow you to dig deeper into specific topics and discover details beyond the scope of our courses.

It’s all wonderful, except links can break. And they do.

That’s where you come in. When people like you take the time to write (call, or text) that a link is broken, we appreciate it so. Usually people convey that information kindly, but in every case the notification about the problem is so appreciated.

Big companies like L. L. Bean keep people on staff just to check these things 24/7. But we aren’t L.L. Bean. Yes, we will find the problem in our periodic reviews, but we can fix it more quickly when our students, teachers, families, and friends become technical eyes and ears.

So many things can cause a link to drop away. Often, the source has disappeared, maybe because of some kind of technical problem, a copyright issue, or because the creators simply have decided to take it down. Sometimes sites are out of order, or a link has changed to a new address.

And all those other times? Well, we just can’t explain what happens in some cases, except that a link stops working.

Once you let us know, we can begin to search for a new source or the best replacement possible.

We also appreciate those times when you, our students, teachers, families, let us know of a “cool” source that we might want to consider. We get so much from your recommendations, so please, always, share them. Our goal is to be there for you. And we deeply appreciate you being there for us.
