Russian Orthodox Chant in Kizhi

Leading a Russian Waterways trip from St. Petersburg to Moscow for Smithsonian Journeys, I eagerly awaited our stop at the Island of Kizhi in the northern Republic known as Karelia. The most famous structure, the Church of the Transfiguration, has 22 domes built by of notched wood with no nails. Although it is undergoing restoration, we were able to visit the Church of the Intercession (in the foreground with the Church of the Transfiguration behind). Built in 1764, it seems even more ancient, particularly when we stepped inside and found this:

Russian Orthodox chant is like no other sacred music. It reflects the Western artistic influences brought into Russia in the 18th century, but it remains thoroughly Russian. And when composers of the 19th century seek to establish a Russian Nationalist style, Orthodox chant will be a primary building block.