I Love Conferences

I love conferences. From the moment we hit the exhibitor’s parking lot, it’s an adventure. After long hours of driving, it’s a relief to jump out of our ’99 Ford Expedition and enter the lofty exhibit hall. I register, locate our booth, and look around to see (for certain) who will be our conference neighbors. For the next few days, this will be our home.

Building the booth is always interesting. My dear husband handles loading and unloading (he’s a master), while I piece together the “foam floor,” arrange tables, display racks, and set up the monitors. It amazes me each time to watch the open, empty exhibit hall change into a colorful swirl of little stores and classrooms.

Depending on the complexity of their setup, fellow-vendors are usually relaxed during those setup-hours and in a chatty mood. It’s a special time to visit and share ideas.

We’ve learned richly from these colleagues. They are veteran educators, tireless developers of curriculum, and savvy interpreters of the newest trends. Beyond all of that, they are some of the nicest and most helpful people I’ve ever worked with.

But all of this pales when compared to the pleasure of meeting the “attendees”: the inquisitive, energetic students, parents, teachers, and headmasters, whose goal is the solid education of the next generation.

Conference season is here. I couldn’t be happier.