California Bound

Wednesday, pre-dawn, we’ll be heading out for the Bay Area Homeschooling Conference – CHEA.  It starts Friday evening at the Santa Clara Convention Center. We’re in booth 405, so do come by and visit.  Also, please join me for two talks on Saturday, May 1st:

  • Academic Success, Western Culture, and the Arts 12:10-12:50 p.m.
  • College Prep Through Serious Study of the Arts 2:40-3:20 p.m.

After the conference, I’ll be gathering with Discovering Music students and their parents for a special session at the Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies, San Jose State University. This Center houses the most significant collection of Beethoveniana (Beethoven-stuff) in America. The esteemed director, Dr. William Meredith, is a terrific Beethoven Scholar and a long-ago friend from graduate school back the University of North Carolina. It’ll be fabulous to have Dr. Meredith hosting our exploration of the Life and Times of Beethoven. In a second workshop, we’ll dig up the origins of some of our favorite types of American music – from old-time hymns to Broadway. And the third workshop, my favorite topic: opera. If “opera” sounds dull to anyone out there, come join us. This workshop might stand you on your head.  I hope the room is soundproof because the kids and I are going to have a blast.

I’m looking forward to every aspect of this trip, starting with the gorgeous drive from Texas to California. See you soon!