The Pipe Organ with Michael Conrady

Michael Conrady
Michael Conrady

You will find a new featured video on the home page: a conversation with Michael Conrady about the pipe organ. Michael is the music director at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Dallas.  You’ll also meet him in the discussion of Johann Sebastian Bach (Unit 7) in the “Discovering Music” course.   Michael may be young, but he carries forth all of the time-honored duties and traditions that date back to Bach and beyond: the enormous responsibility of providing music for a large parish, the ability to understand and maintain a complex and expensive instrument such as a pipe organ, and the need to work with choristers, clergy, and members of the congregation to keep everything running smoothly . . . and musically!

Hats of to Michael Conrady, and to all of those church musicians who, especially during the Advent and Christmas Seasons, work so hard to create so much of beauty.